The Best Advice We've Ever Received

International Women’s Day is about raising each other up as part of taking action for greater equality - so we wanted to put the spotlight on some of our own volunteer team of amazing women, by asking them to share the best piece of advice they’d ever received. In the spirit of sharing knowledge and standing on the shoulders of giants, we’d love to hear yours too - feel free to add your best ever piece of advice in the comments!

You are enough. - Cathy Sorbara, Head Coach of our Climate Science Meets Art course

This is a quote by Maya Angelou but something my parents always reminded us as kids growing up: ‘I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!’ - Sai Pillay, one of our awesome Project Fearless Executive Board members

My favourite advice of all time is ‘Just be you’. I love it because it makes us remember how valuable being ourselves is and that each of us brings something unique and authentic to every situation. - Jessica Alsing, one of our awesome Project Fearless Executive Board members

The best piece of advice I've been given was from my mum, she said: "What would you say to a friend going through this situation? What advice would you give them?" The answer is almost always something much kinder and more understanding than the way you're talking to yourself. Always a good reminder that empathy should be applied inward, as well as outward. - Lily Howes, our former English copywriter

No matter what life throws at you, always be yourself. Trust that you are the best YOU there ever was and, if you continue being yourself, those who truly matter will love and support you. The world will see you and celebrate you. - Mérida Miller, our Fearless founder

Kill them with kindness. - Camille Roache, Assistant Coach for our Design for Social Impact course

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you strong enough to overcome any obstacle. - Courtney Devine, former Head Coach of our Boxing course

Om te groeien moet je je eigen fouten maken, niemand anders kan dat voor je doen. - Julia ten Cate, our Dutch copywriter

You can fail and fail again but try and try harder with more courage every time. Those who have the courage to try never fail! "Koshish karne walon ki haar nahi hoti": the lines are from a famous Indian poet, Harivansh Rai Bacchan. - Pooja Rane, Assistant Coach for Climate Science Meets Art

My father always told me "perseverance is the only virtue". I  say this to myself almost every day and these are the words that I celebrate when I succeed and that comfort me when I fail because, if you just keep going, you never know where you'll end up. - Margaret Price, our legal advisor

An old mentor told me once, if you’re not scared, you’re not learning, and it really changed my perception around feeling the fear and doing it anyway! - Nicola Mitchell, our former social media manager

P.S. Speaking of highlighting relatable female role models, you may or may not know that every Friday we highlight women of all ages doing awesome things in their community, by asking them what being fearless means to them. If you know someone we should feature next, let us know here!

Written by Social Media Manager, Nicola Mitchell.