Fearless Guide: How to Help Tackle Bullying

At Project Fearless, we believe there are endless ways to work towards positive change. So we’ve started creating Fearless Guides, where we share ideas and tips on how to manage challenging situations, move towards solutions, and make changes for good.

Recently, the topic of bullies has come up pretty frequently with our 12-14-year-old Skate & Create crew. The kids shared great ideas on how to help tackle bullying, which inspired this series illustrated by the wonderful Marina 💜

For this November’s Anti-Bullying Week, we brought together all their ideas in this Fearless Guide. Have a read, and you can check it out in the Guides section of our Insta feed, too! 💡

What can you do if you’re being bullied?

Fearless illustrations by Marina Le Roux, @braaisout on Instagram

💬 Speak to someone you trust (a friend, older sibling, parent, teacher, coach…) about what’s happening. This can help us feel like we aren’t alone in what we’re dealing with, lightening our load. And they can help you stand up to the bully in future, by noticing what’s going on and having your back.

🤫 If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to an adult about what’s happening, you can ask a friend to speak up for you. They don’t have to say that you asked them to — they could just say: “I noticed that ____ is bullying _____, and I don’t think it’s right. Can you make sure to monitor it and help stop it?”

🛑 Remove yourself from the situation — it’s not shameful to leave a space that you don't feel safe in. Just walking away also shows the bully that they won’t get a “rise” out of you, if that’s what they’re looking for. It’s tough, but it can help to show that you’re just not interested.

💜 If you can, find a safe environment or community where you can truly be yourself. Not all spaces in life will be like this, but finding just one can help us build our resilience, our self-confidence, and fulfilling relationships with others around us.

What can you do if you see someone being bullied?

Fearless illustrations by Marina Le Roux, @braaisout on Instagram

❌ If you see someone bullying another person, it can help to speak up and let them know that what they’re doing isn’t okay. Then they’ll know that it’s not just “a joke”, and that it’s not behaviour that other people support or admire.

💓 If it feels too scary to speak up directly to the bully, let the person being bullied know that you see them, and everything that’s going on. You could say something to them like: “Hey, I saw what happened over there, that’s not okay. I’m sorry that ____ is being so hurtful.” Support like this can make someone being bullied feel much less alone.

💭 When we’re hurting, sometimes we end up hurting other people around us. That can be the case with bullies. So, if you feel like you can, try to talk to a bully in a kind and understanding way. With concern and empathy, ask them: “Are you okay? Is there something you’d like to talk about?”

We hope you’ve found this Fearless Guide useful, and we’ll be back soon with more!

Written by Project Fearless copywriter, Abi Malins.

Merida Miller