Fearless Guide: How to Beat Negative Self-Talk

At Project Fearless, we believe that there are a million ways to work towards a solution. That’s why, this year, we decided to start creating Project Fearless Guides to *insert topic here*, where we share some ideas and tips on how to combat challenging situations, work towards solutions, or make changes for good.

This time, it’s How to Beat Negative Self-Talk. You’ll find the full guide here, and you can check it out in the Guides section of our Insta feed, too!

Part 1

Fearless illustration by Diana Cardegna, @____s.h.e.____ on Instagram

Fearless illustration by Diana Cardegna, @____s.h.e.____ on Instagram

We all know the feeling of that little voice inside that makes us doubt ourselves, that tells us that we’re not doing well enough, that tells us that we should be different somehow.

Next time yours makes an appearance, get your hype person (or people!) to remind you exactly why you’re wonderful, exactly as you are. Then if they’re feeling down, you can do the same for them 🤗

Part 2

Fearless illustration by Diana Cardegna, @____s.h.e.____ on Instagram

Fearless illustration by Diana Cardegna, @____s.h.e.____ on Instagram

Social media is a great connector and can be a force for inspiration and change. But there can be downsides. A lot of times we are only shown the edited, perfected, and unrealistic versions of other people's lives. This sometimes causes us to compare ourselves to them, leaving us feeling bad about ourselves.

The truth is, no one knows really what is going on behind a post.

Use your social media to lift you up, not bring you down! The power’s literally in your hands. Mute and unfollow accounts that make you feel worse and instead fill your feed with interesting, creative, and positive accounts.

The more you like certain things, the more they will show up in your feed. You have the power to change the Instagram algorithm 🙌

After Fearless founder Mérida found herself in a comparison spiral, she flipped her feed to show only the best kitten and cake videos around!

Part 3

Fearless illustrations by Diana Cardegna, @____s.h.e.____ on Instagram

When you acknowledge your negative or sad thoughts, you are in control of the scenario.

When unhappy thoughts cloud your mind, try to sit with them, instead of pushing them away or ignoring them. It may feel uncomfortable at first but remind yourself: "Thoughts are thoughts. Bad feelings and bad thoughts will pass.” This will put you in control of what you’re experiencing, and stop thoughts building up before they become overwhelming.

Sometimes writing or typing these thoughts can help get them out of your head and help to work through what you are feeling.

Mental health is just as, if not more, important as your physical health. If you realise you are struggling with troubling thoughts, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Reach out to an adult you trust (a school counselor, a coach, a teacher, or guardian) and ask them to connect you to professional support. You have a support system around you!

We hope you’ve found this Fearless Guide useful, and we’ll be back soon with more!

Written by Project Fearless copywriter, Abi Malins.

Merida Miller